Collection Services - Residential

Recology San Mateo County provides weekly Recycle, Compost, and Garbage Collection services for residents in single-family homes.

As part of the program, all residents receive three wheeled carts:

  1. Recycle – Blue Cart: For all recyclables mixed together (metal cans, plastic and glass bottles and containers, and cardboard and paper)
  2. Compost – Green Cart: For yard trimmings and food scraps
  3. Garbage – Black Cart: For anything that can't be recycled or composted

Residential Service also includes some hard-to-recycle items, not accepted in any of the three carts:

  1. Cell Phones and Batteries – Place in a sealed plastic bag on top of the black garbage cart for collection on the regular service day
  2. Motor Oil and Filters – Request up to five (5) one-gallon plastic jugs for used motor oil and up to five (5) zippered plastic bags for used oil filters. Leave the filled jugs and bagged filters beside the blue recycle cart on the regular collection day.

For more information about the Residential Services program, or to report any collection issues, please contact Recology San Mateo County at (650) 595-3900.

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