Foster City Television

Foster City Television on Comcast 27 & AT&T 99

About FCTV

Foster City TV has been cablecasting in Foster City for over 30 years, and streaming live on the web since 2000.  Foster City TV is your link to what's going on in your town, airing live City Council and Planning Commission meetings, and keeping the latest City and community news accessible on the FCTV Bulletin Board.Become a part of FCTV's continuing history.  Watch Foster City TV today...It's where you live!  

Foster City Television (FCTV) is Foster City's Government Access Cable Television Channel, providing local information to Foster City since 1986.  FCTV can be found on Comcast Channel 27, AT&T Channel 99 or streaming at the FCTV website. 
Foster City TV's mission is to serve the people of Foster City by providing accurate and current information about policies, services, and activities of the City government and local events.
We take advantage of the visual media of television and online video to make public information engaging, stimulating, and readily accessible to the Foster City Community.