Operation Identification

Operation Identification is a program to encourage Foster City residents and businesses to engrave valuable property with a California Driver's License (or an assigned number in the case of businesses) to help deter thieves from taking these items. If your marked items are stolen or lost, the engraving of these numbers will permit a ready means by which to trace the property back to the rightful owner once it has been recovered.

The Foster City Police Department has electric engraving pens to loan out. Once your property has been marked, it is also very important to record the serial numbers of your valuables, and keep these records in a safe place for ready reference in case of a burglary or theft.

After your property is marked, free labels are available for display that indicate your property is marked for ready identification by law enforcement.

For additional information on this program please contact the Crime Prevention Bureau at (650) 286-3322 .

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