Obtain a Permit from the Police Department

Massage Technician and Massage Parlor Permits

It is the purpose and intent of the city council that the operation  of massage, bathing and  other similar establishments and persons offering services therein,  wherein  the principal function is giving of massages and/or baths, as defined in this chapter, should be regulated in the interests of public health, safety and welfare by providing minimum building sanitation and health standards for such establishments, and by insuring that persons offering services  therein possess certification by the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC) the minimum qualifications necessary to operate such businesses and to perform such services. Per a change in the Business & Professions Code as of January 2013, individual practitioners who are certified by the CAMTC are no longer required to obtain a special massage permit from the Foster City Police Department. Massage establishments shall apply for and furnish the information necessary to obtain a business license as required by Foster City Municipal Code.

Solicitors and Peddlers

No person shall commence or engage in, act in the capacity of, advertise or assume to act in the business, occupation or activity of peddler or solicitor, nor shall any person commence or engage in, act in the capacity of, advertise or assume to act in the business, occupation or activity of soliciting funds or soliciting information for commercial purposes, without having first obtained a permit therefor as required under the Foster City Municipal Code and a license therefor as required by same.

Tow Car Service

No tow car service shall respond to the scene of an accident or emergency for the purpose of towing motor vehicles unless called there by the police or one of the persons involved in the accident or emergency. Any person desiring to be authorized to perform tow car services at the request of the police shall submit an"application for tow car service" to the Chief of Police. The application shall include the name and business address of the applicant; the name and resident address of the owner or owners of the applicant; the twenty-four-hour telephone number by which applicant may be summoned; the name of any club or organization by which the applicant is authorized to provide road service to members; the location, size and security features of the storage facilities on which vehicles not otherwise consigned will be stored as well as the location to which the public must come to claim stored vehicles; a six-month equipment inspection; a statement that tow car services will be provided on a twenty-four-hour-a-day basis for each day of the year and that the applicant will accept responsibility for any and all personal property left in towed and stored vehicles; a current price schedule for all services to be rendered; a copy of the current business license; and a copy of the Board of Equalization license required by the California Revenue and Taxation Code. A copy of the tow car service application may be obtained from the Foster City Police Department. Upon receipt of an application an investigation to determine the suitability of the applicant will take place and the chief will authorize the addition of the tow car service to an already established towing list.

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