Free Gun Locks

If you keep a firearm in your house, keep your children safe!
Gun safety is your responsibility.


  • On average, one child dies every day in an unintentional shooting in the U.S. (American Academy of Pediatrics).
  • Nearly half of all homes in the U.S. contain at least one gun.
  • Nearly half of parents who own guns, store them loaded or unlocked in their home.
  • If you keep a loaded firearm within any premises under your custody or control, and a person under 18 years old obtains the weapon, and uses it resulting in an injury or death, or carries it to a public place, you may be guilty of a misdemeanor or a felony, unless you stored the weapon in a locked container or locked it with a locking device to keep it from temporarily functioning.
  • If you keep any firearm within any premises under your custody or control, and a person under 18 years old gains access to the firearm, and carries it to a school, or school sponsored event, you may be guilty of a misdemeanor, including a fine of up to $5,000.00, unless the firearm was stored in a locked container, or locked the firearm with a locking device.

The City of Foster City in conjunction with the Lucille Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford is providing free gun locks to all residents of Foster City.

To get your free locks, stop by the front counter of the Foster City Police Department. The locks are available 24 hours a day.

Don't risk a tragedy occurring, get a lock today.

“Excellent Service—Every Call—Every Contact—Every Day!”