Conflict Mediation and Resolution

Peninsula Conflict  Resolution Center (PCRC)

The  Foster City Police Department provides referrals to the Peninsula Conflict  Resolution Center (PCRC) for the purpose of mediating neighborhood and family conflicts that do not rise to the level of criminal activity. 

PCRC is the primary provider of mediation services in San Mateo County. Typical issues resolved in the community mediation program are:

  • Neighbor disputes about noise, fences,  parking and yard/tree maintenance
  • Landlord/tenant conflicts
  • Disagreements between a consumer and a  business
  • Workplace disputes
  • Many other interpersonal situations

Mediation is a process in which a trained, impartial person (or panel) helps disputing parties communicate and understand their concerns and  needs in a situation, identify and consider possible solution options, reach  a mutually agreeable solution and put the agreement into a written form. A  mediator has no decision-making authority. The mediator does not take sides  or push for any one solution. Mediators maintain a neutral role. Unlike a  judge or an arbitrator, a mediator does not decide what is right or wrong or  make suggestions about ways to resolve a problem.

Mediation is based on the voluntary cooperation and good faith  participation of all parties. Mediation focuses on the future, not the past,  and what will resolve the conflict. Mediation does not replace the need for  legal advice or counseling if your "rights" in a situation are the concern.

Please follow this link to the PCRC website for more information about their services and mediation in general or  call 650-513-0330. If you are having a conflict and need a referral, please  contact our Department at 650-286-3300 for assistance.

Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center
1660 So. Amphlett Blvd. Suite 219
San Mateo, CA  94402
Phone: 650-513-0330

“Excellent Service—Every Call—Every Contact—Every Day!”