Quality of Life Indicators

What makes a community a great place to live, work and play?

This section of the Sustainable Foster City dashboard is provided to give you a "quick look" at the health and vibrancy of our community based on some of those "intangibles" that make Foster City a great place to live, work and visit.

In 2009, Forbes Magazine named Foster City as #10 on its list of America's Top 25 Towns to Live Well due to the great job market for skilled workers and its location in the beautiful Bay Area.  Over the years Foster City has made the "top ten" list for a number of quality of life indicators.

Foster City is on a mission to sustain and enhance the quality of life for everyone who comes to Foster City -- businesses, employees, residents, shoppers, families and sports & fitness enthusiasts!  Everyone that comes into Foster City deserves a great experience in making Foster City the place they desire to be.

As you can easily see within these pages, Foster City places a high priority on public safety, well-paved roads, and parks and recreation amenities.  We live in a region that has diverse cultural and recreational amenities, all within an easy walk, drive or transit trip.  Follow the links at the left side of this page to see more!

Visit our Sustainable Foster City page to learn more about our sustainable strategies for our community.