Visit Our Virtual Recreation Center and Take an “Egg-Venture” During the Shelter-in-Place

For Immediate Release: April 3, 2020
Contact: Jennifer Liu, Parks and Recreation Director, (650) 286-3380,


Looking for fun ways to keep your family engaged during the San Mateo County’s important shelter-in-place order? Come to our Virtual Recreation Center at Here you will find suggestions and resources to keep you and your family engaged, active, and informed.  Take a virtual fitness or enrichment class, do a Foster City Parks-themed puzzle or game or get information to help you thrive.

Recreation has launched a weekly #FCFunAtHome programming on its social media platforms:

  • Motivate Me Mondays - Based on the Recreation Center’s popular inspirational quote board, an inspirational quote will be written in chalk in a local park.  
  • Trivia Tuesdays - Take our trivia quiz on our social media accounts. Answers will be released 2 hours after posting.
  • Read Aloud Wednesdays - City staff and community members will read children’s stories.
  • Top 5 Thursdays - Learn more about City staff and community members through their Top 5 Lists.  
  • Family Fun Fridays - Staff will share ideas for fun family projects.

Among the virtual events to look forward to, get ready to join the Neighborhood Egg-Venture.  In this Virtual Egg Hunt, families and individuals are invited to decorate paper eggs and display them in their home windows by April 5. Between April 6 and April 12, explore your neighborhood (while practicing social distancing) and count how many eggs you find. To download an egg template or to get more information, visit

Parks and Recreation #FCFunAtHome programming can be found at (you do not need a Facebook profile to access). Do you have ideas for activities or a great resource that you would like to share? Email us at
