City of Foster City – Coronavirus Update (as of April 30, 2020) - Shelter in Place Order & City Facilities Closure Extended to May 31

For Immediate Release: April 30, 2020
Contact: Jennifer Phan, Principal Management Analyst, (650) 286-3223,


The seven Bay Area Public Health Officers who ordered a shelter in place in mid-March have extended the orders through May 31, 2020. The new orders will take effect on May 4, 2020 and includes the County of San Mateo, amongst other jurisdictions. Read the entire order here.

Under the new orders, Foster City facilities will remain closed through May 31, 2020; however, essential services will continue to be provided. The closures include City Hall, the Police Department Front Counter & Records Division, Fire Administration, Recreation Center, Senior Center, the VIBE, and Corporation Yard. The public may utilize a variety of City services as available over phone, email, and/or online. Please visit the City Services page for more information.

All construction projects will be allowed to resume as long as the project complies with safety protocols included with the order. All real estate transactions will also now be able to resume, but with continued restrictions on open houses and limitations on in-person viewings. Any employee allowed to return to work at a facility can also access childcare programs that can operate.

Certain outdoor businesses can also begin operating again, and people can visit those businesses to perform work or obtain goods, services, or supplies. This includes wholesale and retail nurseries, landscapers, gardeners, and other businesses that primarily provide outdoor services as set forth in the order. Outdoor businesses do not include restaurants, cafes or bars, regardless of whether they have outdoor seating.

Other activities that can resume under the new order include residential moves and the use of certain shared outdoor recreational facilities that were previously ordered closed. However, this excludes recreational areas and facilities with high-touch equipment or that encourage gathering (such as playgrounds or gym equipment). Outdoor recreation activity must take place within 10 miles of a person’s residence. Facilities and amenities at Foster City parks will remain closed, but passive use of the parks is permissible. Over the next few days, the City will reevaluate and develop a plan for reopening some of its recreational spaces that do not involve shared equipment or physical contact.

It is important to note that the stricter of the two orders (local and State) takes precedence over the other. All local requirements for social distancing and wearing face coverings remain in effect.

While tools to strengthen containment of COVID-19 are put into place, the social distancing intervention has slowed the increase of new cases and prevented the anticipated medical surge. As some restrictions are eased, it is critical to ensure that growth of cases can be sufficiently contained to protect the health and safety of our community.

For the latest updates on the City’s response efforts to COVID-19, including any additional steps adopted by the City Council, please visit:
