
Cat Facing Bay


While Foster City does not have leash or licensing laws for cats, we realize that sometimes free-roaming cats can be a nuisance. Households are limited to not more than two cats. Although it is not required, cat owners are encouraged to license their cats to make sure that they can be easily reunited with their cat if it strays from home.  Follow this link to learn more about pet licensing.  Cats are not required to display the rabies tag on a collar as dogs are. We strongly recommend that owners confine their cats indoors at all times. The indoor cat escapes exposure to disease, traffic hazards and the cruelty of those annoyed by cats.

Nuisance Animals

If you are experiencing cat nuisance problems, there are several options you may want to try. First, if the owners of the problem cat are known, try to contact them to ask for their cooperation.  Otherwise, Ropel, an exterior animal repellant, can be used in areas where cats are a problem. In "sandbox" areas the feces should be removed or the soil replaced before Ropel is applied.  Live traps may also be purchased for capturing elusive cats. Friendly ones may be transported in a sturdy box, carrier or pillowcase. All nuisance cats must be treated humanely and transported to the Peninsula Humane Society. The Humane Society does not pick up cats unless they are seriously injured, sick or have bitten a human within the past 10 days.

Project Bay Cat

The City of Foster City, in collaboration with the Homeless Cat Network, participates in Project Bay Cat (PBC), an initiative to humanely reduce the homeless cat population along the levee Pedway.