Affordable Housing & Open Waitlists


The Planning Division of the Community Development Department is responsible for the City's Housing efforts.  There are currently over 400 below-market-rate units in the City of Foster City. There are eight privately owned apartment complexes with both market-rate and below-market-rate (BMR) units.  The City of Foster City does not manage or own these units. The City owns 22 workforce units at 501 Pilgrim Drive and six 2-, 3- and 5-bedroom single-family homes and duplexes at various locations throughout the City. The workforce units include 14 below-market-rate units for very low, low, and moderate-income households.  The six homes are restricted to very-low and low-income households, and there are no vacancies at this time. All city-owned units are managed by HIP Housing.  The City participates in local and regional housing efforts, evaluation of housing opportunities as they become available, and programs to increase the supply of housing.


There are no open waitlists at this time.

If you want to be emailed when other waitlists open, complete our housing inquiry form and add your request at the end of the form in additional comments. All applications to waitlists and vacant units are handled by property managers/leasing agents for each property.  See Rental of Below Market Rate Units for a list of apartment complexes located in Foster City or See Affordable Housing Map to view the locations.   


If you would like information on housing resources emailed to you, please fill out this form.  The form is available in multiple languages.

Or, if you'd like to schedule a one-on-one appointment with city staff, click the button below. 

Please note: the Affordable Housing counter is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm for walk-ins.