The Rubber Ducky Race Returns This Weekend

For immediate release: September 21, 2021

Contact: Tiffany Oren, Recreation Manager, 650-286-3380,

The Rubber Ducky Race is coming back to Foster City after a 30-year hiatus this weekend. Bring your family to join friends and neighbors on Saturday, September 25, at Leo J. Ryan Park for a full day of festivities.

The fun starts at 8 a.m. with breakfast offered by local community service clubs, and then the inflatable raft races begin at 9 a.m. Community members who bring their own inflatable vessel, such as a raft or innertube, will race through the Lagoon along the boardwalk. Afterwards, from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m, will be the Quack Collection, in which participants will race around the lagoon to collect commemorative rubber duckies from designated collection stations.

Regarding the safety of participating in water activities in the Lagoon, an expert hired by the City has determined the water quality will not pose a health risk. “Lagoon water quality is generally equivalent to that found in San Francisco Bay because San Francisco Bay is the source of water to the Lagoon and water is rotated weekly,” said Bonnie de Berry, a Managing Scientist with Environmental and Public Health Engineering.

Following the races at 1:00 p.m. will be a free Dragonboat and Outrigger Demo and Paddle Lesson. Then, at 3:00 p.m., a Boat Parade will sail through a predetermined route on the lagoon in celebration of Foster City’s 50th Anniversary. The day will culminate at 4:00 p.m. with a ceremony and concert by Mercy & The Heartbeats paired with food trucks, which will stay until 6 p.m.

Some activities will require registration to participate, so for additional information visit: The day is certain to be full of celebration and fun for the whole family. We hope to see you there!
