Foster City Launches New Community Engagement Website to Collect Input on Housing Element Update

For immediate release: February 17, 2022

Contact: Community Development Department, 650-286-3225,

The Foster City community is invited to visit our newly launched community engagement website – “Engage Foster City” at, where we’d like to engage with our community and hear your thoughts and get your input on Foster City’s 2023-2031 Housing Element Update, in which the City is required to plan to accommodate approximately 1,896 new housing units as mandated by the State.

The Engage Foster City website features a Housing Preferences and Priorities Survey, through which the City hopes to gain a better understanding of community values and priorities that will be used as a foundation for developing future housing policies and programs.

Additionally, on the website there is information about the Housing Element Update process, including a Housing and Public Safety Update Map, where community members can provide input on pinned locations they believe should or shouldn’t be included as potential housing sites in the City’s Housing Element Update for 2023-2031. Community members can also share their personal housing experiences in Foster City through the ‘story’ outlet. The deadline to participate in the housing survey and the interactive mapping feedback on housing sites is Monday, March 21.

Those interested are also invited to attend the Joint City Council and Planning Commission meeting on Wednesday, March 2, when there will be a broader discussion on the Housing Element Update including potential housing sites and future housing programs and policies. Due to evolving public health concerns, please refer to the meeting agenda for attendance options.

“We are getting into the critical phase of the Housing Element Update process where we are asking our community to share their thoughts and perspectives that would help the City craft meaningful and inclusive future housing policies and programs,” said Community Development Director Marlene Subhashini. “So we urge all members of our community to visit Engage Foster City and take the Housing Preferences and Priorities Survey, provide mapping feedback on potential housing sites, and share your housing experience story as well.”

Those who need assistance taking the Housing Preferences and Priorities Survey or the Mapping Feedback are invited to visit City Hall at the Community Development Department front counter during normal business hours before Monday, March 21, where Planning staff will be available to assist you. For more information about the Foster City Housing Element Update, visit
