Foster City Expands Park Cleanup Kit Rental Program to Include Goose Population Management Accessories

For immediate release: July 11, 2023

Contact: Tiffany Oren, Recreation Manager, (650) 286-3395,

As part of the ongoing commitment to offering clean and sanitary open spaces, Foster City is expanding its existing Park Cleanup Kit rental program to now include Goose Management Park Cleanup Kits. Kits are designed for one person, and include gloves, a rake, scooper, and bucket. Visit for more information or to fill out the reservation form for a rental. Please note that kits can be rented from the Recreation Center at 650 Shell Boulevard but must be returned to the Corporation Yard at 100 Lincoln Center Drive.

“Our staff works diligently to ensure Foster City’s parks and beaches are inviting, safe, and comfortable. But the increasing local Canada Goose population continues to present challenges in that effort, so we wanted to give the community a chance to help out. We hope residents, community groups, and interested organizations take advantage of the opportunity to assist in keeping Foster City clean and beautiful,” said Parks and Recreation Director Derek Schweigart.

The opportunity to rent Goose Management Park Cleanup Kits builds on the Park Cleanup Kit rental program, which was launched last year to grant community members a chance to make a big difference in improving the local quality of life. Regular Cleanup Kits, which include a 5-gallon bucket, two safety vests, two trash grabbers, plastic bags, and gloves, are still available for rental as well.  Rental requests should be submitted at least five business days in advance. Cleanups on weekends will need to pick up equipment on weekdays during regular business hours.  For groups larger than 24 people, additional permits may be required. Kits should be returned within one week of it being checked out. 
